1996-97 Swiss HNL 

1 EHC Kloten Flyers $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
2 Wayne Flemming $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
3 Leo Schumacher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
5 Gordon Walter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
6 Marco Bayer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
7 Greg Brown $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
8 Martin Bruderer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
9 Marco Kloti $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
10 Marco Knecht $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
11 Michael Kress $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
12 Bjorn Schneider $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
13 Daniel Weber $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
14 Robin Bauer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
16 Matthias Bachler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
17 Manuele Celio $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
18 Patric Della Rossa $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
19 Jorg Eberle $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
20 Felix Hollenstein $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
21 Matthias Holzer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
22 Mikael Johansson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
23 Martin Pluss $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
24 Frederic Rothen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
25 Roman Wager $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
26 SC Bern $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
27 Chuck Lefley $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
28 Ueli Schwarz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
30 Alex Reinhard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
32 Christian Langer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
33 Sven Leuenberger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
34 Martin Rauch $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
36 Martin Steinegger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
37 Gaetan Voisard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
38 Rene Friedli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
39 Regis Fuchs $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
40 Patrick Howald $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
41 Vincent Lechenne $ 2.00   Buy it now! 9
42 Stefan Moser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
43 Trevor Meier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
44 Gil Montandon $ 2.00   Buy it now! 11
45 Michel Mouther $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
46 Laurent Muller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
47 Philppe Mueller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
49 Thierry Paterlini $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
50 Roberto Triulzi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
51 EV Zug $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
52 Jim Koleff $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
53 Sean Simpson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
54 Patrick Schopf $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
55 Ronnie Rueger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
56 Livio Fazio $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
57 Stefan Grauwiler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
58 Dino Kessler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
59 Andre Kunzi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
60 Thomas Kunzi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
61 John Miner $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
62 Patrick Sutter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
63 Steve Aebersold $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
64 Misko Antisin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
65 Patrick Fischer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
66 Daniel Giger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
67 Stefan Grogg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
68 Bill McDougall $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
69 Colin Muller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
70 Phil Neuenschwander $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
71 Philipp Orlandi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
72 Andre Rotheli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
73 Chad Silver $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
74 Franz Steffen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 9
75 Wes Walz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
76 HC Ambri-Piotta $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
77 Alexander Jakushev $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
79 Paolo Della Bella $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
80 Brenno Celio $ 2.00   Buy it now! 9
81 Ivan Gazzaroli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
82 Tiziano Gianini $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
83 Noel Guyaz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
84 Jakub Horak $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
85 Alessandro Reinhart $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
86 Oskar Szczepaniec $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
87 Dmitri Tsygurov $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
88 Mattia Baldi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
89 Nicola Celio $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
91 Patrick Glanzmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
92 Thomas Heldner $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
93 Peter Jaks $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
94 Dmitri Kvartalnov $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
95 Oleg Petrov $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
96 Omar Tognini $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
97 Igor Chibirev $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
98 Luca Vigano $ 2.00   Buy it now! 11
99 Theo Wittmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
100 HC Davos $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
102 Evgeni Popichin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
103 Nando Wieser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
104 Thomas Berger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
105 Samuel Balmer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
106 Beat Equilino $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
107 Marc Gianola $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
108 Andrea Haller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
109 Valeri Shirjaev $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
110 Daniel Sigg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 9
111 Mark Streit $ 5.00   Buy it now! 2
112 Jan Von Arx $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
114 Philipp Luber $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
115 Rene Muller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
116 Andy Naser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
117 Sergei Petrenko $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
118 Oliver Roth $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
119 Ivo Ruthemann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
120 Mario Schocher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
121 Reto Stirnim $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
122 Reto Von Arx $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
123 Christian Weber $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
124 Ken Yaremchuk $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
125 SC Rapperswil-Jona Lakers $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
127 Ueli Scheidegger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
128 Claudio Bayer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
129 Remo Wehrli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
130 Daniel Buenzli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
131 Marco Capaul $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
132 Kari Martikainen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
133 Dominic Meier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
134 Blair Muller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
135 Mathias Seger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
136 Roger Sigg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
137 Adrian Bachofner $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
138 Arthur Camenzind $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
139 Oliver Hoffmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
140 Christian Hofstetter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
141 Michael Meier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
142 Mike Richard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
143 Harry Rogenmoser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
144 Sergio Soguel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
145 Gilles Thibaudeau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
146 Roger Thony $ 2.00   Buy it now! 9
147 Mark Weber $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
148 Christian Wolhwend $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
149 HC Lugano $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
150 Mats Waltin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
151 Gunnar Leidborg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
153 Davide Gislimberti $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
154 Sandro Bertaggia $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
155 Fabian Guignard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
156 David Jelmini $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
157 Ruedi Niderost $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
158 Luigi Riva $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
159 Tommy Sjodin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
160 Rick Tschumi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
161 Jerry Zuurmond $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
162 JJ Aeschlimann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
163 Markus Butler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
164 Gian-Marco Crameri $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
165 Bruno Erni $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
166 Keith Fair $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
167 Marcel Jenni $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
168 Marcel Franzi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
169 Stephan Lebeau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
170 Stefano Togni $ 2.00   Buy it now! 10
171 Andy Ton $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
172 Raymond Walder $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
173 Marco Werder $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
174 Michael Nylander $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
175 Zurcher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
177 Hanspeter Frutiger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
178 Thomas Papp $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
179 Matthias Muller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
180 Patrick Hager $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
181 Martin Kout $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
182 Robert Nordmark $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
183 Didier Princi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
184 Edgar Salis $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
185 Bruno Steck $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
186 Nicolas Steiger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
187 Andreas Zehnder $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
188 Mario Brodmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
189 Marc Fortier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
190 Axel Heim $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
191 Vjeran Ivankovic $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
192 Sandy Jeannin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
193 Peter Kobel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
194 Patrick Lebeau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
195 Claudio Micheli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
196 Patrizio Morger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
197 Bruno Vollmer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
198 Michel Zeiter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 9
199 Gerd Zenhausern $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
200 HC Fribourg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
201 Kjell Larsson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
202 JM Courvoisier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
204 Steve Meuwly $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
206 Fredy Bobillier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
207 Patrice Brasey $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
208 Antoine Descloux $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
209 Andy Egli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
210 Christian Hofstetter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
211 Olivier Keller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
212 Philippe Marquis $ 2.00   Buy it now! 11
213 Marc Werlen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
214 Christophe Brown $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
216 David Dousse $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
217 Stefan Choffat $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
219 Daniel Meier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
220 Patrick Oppliger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
221 Mario Rottaris $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
222 Pascal Schaller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
223 Didier Schafer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
224 Al Raymond $ 2.00   Buy it now! 9
225 HC La Chaux De Fonds $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
226 Ricardo Fuhrer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
227 Jean-Luc Schnegg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
228 Roland Meyer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
229 Eric Bourquin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
230 Rob Cowie $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
231 Daniel Dubois $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
232 Dan Eisener $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
233 Thierry Murisier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
234 Dany Ott $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
235 Jorg Reber $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
236 Pascal Sommer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
237 Jan Alston $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
238 Florian Andenmatten $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
239 Loic Burkhalter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
240 Krister Cantoni $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
241 Florian Chappot $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
242 Michael Diener $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
243 Gilles Dubois $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
244 Rob Gaudreau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
245 Boris Liemgruber $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
246 Benoit Pont $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
247 Bernhard Schumperli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
248 Michel Wicky $ 2.00   Buy it now! 10
249 HC Lausanne $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
251 Beat Kindler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
253 Sebastien De-Allegri $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
254 Thierry Evequoz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
255 Nicolas Goumaz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
256 Fabian Gull $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
257 Ivo Stoffel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
260 Johan Bertholet $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
261 Andre Doll $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
262 Rolf Ziegler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
263 Olivier Horvath $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
264 Bruno Maurer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
266 Frank Monnier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
267 Patrice Pellet $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
268 Mario Seeholzer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
269 Robert Slehofer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
270 Laurent Stehlin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
271 Grasshopper Club Zurich $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
272 Bruno Aegerter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
273 Matti Alatalo $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
274 Marcel Kohli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
275 Olivier Wissmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
276 Martin Brich $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
277 Marc Haueter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
278 Michel Fah $ 2.00   Buy it now! 10
279 Roman Honegger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
280 Arne Ramholt $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
281 Daniel Rutschi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 9
282 Alain Ayer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
283 Andre Baumann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
284 Warren Bruetsch $ 2.00   Buy it now! 9
285 Roman Furrer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
286 Marco Hagmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
287 Patrick Looser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
288 Lasse Nieminen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
289 Andy Rufener $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
291 Mathias Schenkel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
292 Peter Schlagenhauf $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
293 Thurgau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
294 Mike McParland $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
295 Peter Martin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
296 Pascal Sutter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
297 Martin Granicher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
298 Patrick Henry $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
299 Ralph Ott $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
300 Mike Posma $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
301 Marcel Schmid $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
302 Christian Schuster $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
303 Robert Wiesmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
304 Dan Daoust $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
305 Slaven Imhof $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
306 Matthias Keller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
307 Ronny Keller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
308 Guido Laczko $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
309 Don McLaren $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
311 Rolf Schrepfer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
312 Rene Stussi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
313 Cuno Weisser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
314 Benjamin Winkler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
315 SC Langnau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
316 Paul-Andre Cadieux $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
317 Jakob Kolliker $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
319 Thomas Dreier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
320 Daniel Aegerter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
321 Raoul Baumgartner $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
322 Andreas Beutler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
323 Mario Doyon $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
324 Roland Kradolfer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
325 Raphael Schneider $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
326 Pascal Stoller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
327 Rolf Badertscher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
328 Bruno Brechbuhl $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
329 Peter Bartschi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
330 Walter Gerber $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
331 Markus Hirschi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
332 Jakub Horak $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
333 Andreas Keller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
334 Beat Nuspliger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
335 Greg Parks $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
336 Kevin Schlapfer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
337 Stefan Tschiemer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
338 SC Herisau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
339 Mark McGregor $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
340 Markus Bachschmied $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
341 Sascha Schiess $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
342 Urs Balzarek $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
343 Damian Freitag $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
344 Fritz Lanz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
345 Thomas Jaggli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
346 Karl Knopf $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
347 Andy Krapf $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
348 Andy Maag $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
349 Devin Edgerton $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
350 Rico Enzler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
351 John Fust $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
352 Martin Hanggi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
354 Ludwig Marek $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
355 Enzo Pinelli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
356 Ivo Ruthemann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
357 Marco Scheiwiller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
358 Claude Vilgrain $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
359 Sacha Weibel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
361 Steve Pochon $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
362 Patrick Grand $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
364 Pascal Avanthay $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
365 Jean-Michel Clavien $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
366 Ayocholos Escher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
367 Alan Hirschi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
368 Patrik Neukom $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
369 Benedict Sapin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
370 Marc Zurbriggen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
371 Jean-Daniel Bonito $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
372 Igor Fedulov $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
373 Nicolas Gastaldo $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
374 Paolo Imperatori $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
375 Thierry Moret $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
378 Fabrizio Silietti $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
380 Natal Zurbriggen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
382 Michael Zettel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
383 Christophe Wahl $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
384 Sacha Devaux $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
386 Roman Fleury $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
387 Claudio Ghillioni $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
388 Urs Hirschi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
389 Sven Schmid $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
390 Daniel Schnyder $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
391 Alain Villard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
392 Thomas Burillo $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
393 Reynald DeRitz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
394 Marco Dick $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
396 Gabriel Taccoz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
397 Shawn Heaphy $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
398 Maxime Lapointe $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
399 Alfred Luthi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
400 Serge Meyer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
401 Cyrill Pasche $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
402 Michel Riesen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
404 Francois Huppe $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
407 Francesco Bizzozero $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
408 Daniel Herlea $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
409 Pascal Lamprecht $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
410 Thevoz Thevoz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
411 Daniel Zieri $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
412 Christian Serena $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
413 Nicolas Studer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
414 Joel Aeschlimann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
415 Antoine Cloux $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
417 Martin Desjardins $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
418 Olivier Ecoeur $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
419 Gaby Epiney $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
420 Laurent Faller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
421 Nicholas Gauch $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
422 Olivier Honsberger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
424 Jorg Ledermann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
426 Ueli Hofmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
427 Beat Aebischer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
428 Thierry Loup $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
429 Ralph Gugelmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
430 Bruno Habisreutinger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
431 Philippe Portner $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
432 Gianni Sanese $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
434 Richard Stucki $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
435 Thomas Studer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
436 Felix Dobler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
437 Yannick Dube $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
438 Mario Koppel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
439 Claude Luthi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
440 Oliver Muller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 9
441 Nicola Pini $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
442 Thomas Seitz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
443 Patrick Siegwart $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
444 Pirmin Keller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
445 Yves Von Rohr $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
446 Andre Von Rohr $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
447 EHC Chur $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
448 Juri Voschakov $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
449 Thomas Liesch $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
450 Reto Zuccolini $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
451 Armin Berchtold $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
452 Sacha Bleiker $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
453 Sandro Capaul $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
454 Patrick Fischer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
455 Andreas Ritsch $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
456 Stefan Schneider $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
457 Roland Simonet $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
458 Rene Ackermann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
459 Andreas Fischer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
460 Miguel Fondado $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
461 Claudio Peer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
462 Reto Germann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
463 Albert Malgin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
464 Roger Rieder $ 2.00   Buy it now! 10
465 Michael Rosenast $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
466 Riccardo Signorell $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
467 Harijs Vitolinsh $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
468 Patrick Werthan $ 2.00   Buy it now! 10
469 Sandro Nussle $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
470 ZSC Lions $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
471 Bror Hansson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
472 Beat Lautenschlager $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
473 Patrice Bosch $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
474 Stephane Rosset $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
475 Alain Comte $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
476 Dominic Jenny $ 2.00   Buy it now! 10
477 Tommy Samuelsson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
478 Ron Stillhardt $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
479 Marco Tanner $ 2.00   Buy it now! 9
481 Martin Bahnik $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
482 Thomas Balada $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
483 Buchel Buchel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
484 Marco Fischer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
485 Patrik Giger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
486 Daniel Lamminger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
487 Martin Ledermann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
488 Daniel Mares $ 2.00   Buy it now! 9
489 Peter Mares $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
490 Marco Mozzini $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
491 Mario Schocher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
492 Ramil Yuldaschev $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
493 Ron Stillhardt $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
494 HC Ajoie $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
495 Hans Kossmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
496 Christian Cretin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
497 Antonio Rosado $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
498 Raphael Berger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
499 Matthias Bachler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
500 Erich Frey $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
501 Christian Heusler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
502 Manfred Reinhard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
503 Julien Vauclair $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
504 Yann Voillat $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
505 Patrick Adami $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
506 Denis Chalifoux $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
507 Guyaz Guyaz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
508 Alexandre Von Arb $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
509 Erik Holmberg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
510 Jean-Noel Honegger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
511 Herve Meyer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
512 Marc Fritsche $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
513 Yvan Migy $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
514 Giovanni Pestrin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
515 Geoffrey Vauclair $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
517 Gaetan Voisard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
518 Martin Bruderer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
519 Felix Hollenstein $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
520 Gil Montandon $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
521 Patrick Howald $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
522 Team Swiss $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
523 Simon Schenk $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
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531 Martin Bruderer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
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541 Sandy Jeannin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
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543 Harry Rogenmoser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
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555 Robin Bauer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
556 Ivo Ruthemann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
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558 Alexandre Von Arb $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
559 Ronnie Rueger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
560 Arnold Loertscher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
561 Reto Klaus $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
562 Guido Lindemann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
563 Rico Enzler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
564 Andres Egger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
565 Marcel Kuendig $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
566 Nathanael Wild $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
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569 Muller Muller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
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574 Marc Fortier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
576 Frank Monnier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 10
577 Patrick Oppliger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
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579 Dan Daoust $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
580 Kelly Glowa $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
581 Claude Vilgrain $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
583 Dmitri Kvartalnov $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
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586 Valeri Cherny $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
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588 Referees $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2

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Browse Sets By Season:
70-71   80-81   90-91   00-01   10-11
71-72   81-82   91-92   01-02   11-12
72-73   82-83   92-93   02-03   12-13
73-74   83-84   93-94   03-04   13-14
74-75   84-85   94-95   04-05   14-15
75-76   85-86   95-96   05-06   15-16
76-77   86-87   96-97   06-07   16-17
77-78   87-88   97-98   07-08   17-18
78-79   88-89   98-99   08-09   18-19
79-80   89-90   99-00   09-10   19-20


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