1993-94 Swiss HNL 

1 Title Card $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
2 Title Card $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
3 Title Card $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
4 EHC-Kloten $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
5 EHC-Kloten $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
6 Conny Evensson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
7 Ernst Bruderer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
9 Claudio Bayer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
10 Martin Bruderer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
12 Marco Kloti $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
13 Marco Knecht $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
14 Martin Kout $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
15 Fausto Mazzoleni $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
16 Daniel Sigg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
17 Daniel Weber $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
18 Manuele Celio $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
19 Patric Della Rossa $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
20 Michael Diener $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
21 Bruno Erni $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
22 Oliver Hoffmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
23 Felix Hollenstein $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
24 Mikael Johansson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
25 Daniel Knecht $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
26 Roger Meier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
27 Sacha Ochsner $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
28 Peter Schlagenhauf $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
29 Roman Wager $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
30 HC Fribourg-Gotteron $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
31 HC Fribourg-Gotteron $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
33 Francois Huppe $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
34 Dino Stecher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
35 Marc Gygli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
36 Patrice Brasey $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
37 Fredy Bobillier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
38 Antoine Descloux $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
39 Christian Hofstetter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
40 Douglas Honegger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
41 Olivier Keller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
42 David Leibzig $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
43 Didier Princi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
44 Joel Aeschlimann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
45 Christophe Brown $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
49 Marc Leuenberger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
50 Bruno Maurer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
51 Frank Monnier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
52 Alain Reymond $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
53 Mario Rottaris $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
54 Pascal Schaller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
55 Chad Silver $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
57 SC Bern $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
59 Jim Koleff $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
61 Roland Meyer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
62 Raoul Baumgartner $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
63 Andreas Beutler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
65 Mikko Haapakoski $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
66 Martin Rauch $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
67 Jorg Reber $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
68 Daniel Rutschi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
69 Gaetan Voisard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
70 Peter Bartschi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
71 Michael Buhler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
72 Rene Friedli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
73 Regis Fuchs $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
74 Gregor Horak $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
75 Michael Meier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
76 Gil Montandon $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
78 Harry Rogenmoser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
79 Roberto Triulzi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
80 Thomas Vrabec $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
81 HC Lugano $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
82 HC Lugano $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
83 John Sletvoll $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
84 Bruno Rogger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
86 Christophe Wahl $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
87 Samuel Balmer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
88 Sandro Bertaggia $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
90 Claudio Ghillioni $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
91 Davide Jelmini $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
92 Sven Leuenberger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
93 Ruedi Niderost $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
94 Patrick Sutter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
95 Jean-Jacques Aeschlimann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
96 Jorg Eberle $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
97 Ruben Fontana $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
98 Axel Heim $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
99 Christian Hofstetter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
100 Patrick Howald $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
101 Marcel Jenni $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
102 Andreas Keller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
103 Jan Larsson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
104 Andre Rotheli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
105 Matthias Schenkel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
106 Raymond Walder $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
107 EV Zug $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
108 EV Zug $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
109 Bjorn Kinding $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
110 Sean Simpson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
113 Jakub Horak $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
114 Dino Kessler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
115 Andre Kunzi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
116 Thomas Kunzi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
117 Andreas Ritsch $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
120 Misko Antisin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
121 Mario Brodmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
123 Andreas Fischer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
124 Patrick Fischer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
125 Daniel Giger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
126 Daniel Meier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
127 Colin Muller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
128 Neuenschwander $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
129 Daniel Schaltegger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
130 Franz Steffen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
135 Dale McCourt $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
136 Markus Bachschmied $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
139 Brenno Celio $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
140 Filippo Celio $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
141 Ivan Gazzaroli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
142 Tiziano Gianini $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
143 Blair Muller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
144 Luigi Riva $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
145 Rick Tschumi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
146 Nicola Celio $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
147 Keith Fair $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
149 Mathias Holzer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
151 Vincent Lechenne $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
152 Juri Leonov $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
154 Markus Studer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
155 Stefano Togni $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
156 Luca Vigano $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
157 Theo Wittmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
158 Zurcher SC $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
159 Zurcher SC $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
160 Arno Del Curto $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
161 Ueli Hofmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
162 Daniel Riesen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
163 Rolf Simmen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
164 Marco Bayer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
165 Jiri Faic $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
166 Yvan Griga $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
167 Noel Guyaz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
168 Edgar Salis $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
169 Christian Sigrist $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
170 Bruno Vollmer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
171 Andreas Zehnder $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
172 Matthias Baechler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
173 Vjeran Ivankovic $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
175 Ronnie Leuthold $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
176 Claudio Micheli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
177 Patrizio Morger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
178 Sergei Priakhin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
179 Roger Thony $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
180 Andy Ton $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
181 Christian Weber $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
182 Vladimir Yeremin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
183 Michel Zeiter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
184 EHC Biel-Bienne $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
185 EHC Biel-Bienne $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
186 Jakob Kolliker $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
187 Lautenschlager $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
190 Beat Cattaruzza $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
191 Jean-Michel Clavien $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
193 Daniel Dubois $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
195 Bjorn Schneider $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
196 Martin Steinegger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
197 Gaetan Boucher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
198 Thomas Burillo $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
199 Reynald De Ritz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
200 Patrick Glanzmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
201 Freddy Luthi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
202 Beat Nuspliger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
203 Cyrill Pasche $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
204 Robert Yannick $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
205 Andre Rufener $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
206 Bernhard Schumperli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
207 Marc Weber $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
208 Ramil Yuldashev $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
209 HC Davos $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
210 HC Davos $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
211 Mats Waltin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
212 Marcus Theus $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
214 Marino Buriola $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
215 Thomi Derungs $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
216 Andy Egli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
217 Beat Equilino $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
218 Marc Gianola $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
219 Andrea Haller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
220 Didier Massy $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
221 Roland Ruedi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
222 Roger Sigg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
224 Gian Marco Crameri $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
225 Remo Gross $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
226 Martin Hanggi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
227 Markus Morf $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
228 Rene Muller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
229 Andi Naser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
230 Oliver Roth $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
231 Rato Schneider $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
232 Serge Soguel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
235 EHC Olten $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
236 EHC Olten $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
237 Dick Decloe $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
240 Matthias Aregger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
241 Eric Bourquin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
243 Urs Hirschi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
244 Alessandro Reinhart $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
245 Christian Schuster $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
246 Christian Silling $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
247 Richard Stucki $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
248 Adrian Bachofner $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
249 Markus Butler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
250 Ralph Donghi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
251 Guido Egli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
253 Thomas Loosli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
254 Steve Metzger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
255 Viktor Muller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
256 Mike Richard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
257 Kevin Schlapfer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
258 Peter Trummer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
259 Andre Von Rohr $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
260 HC Ajoie $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
261 HC Ajoie $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
262 Michael McNamara $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
264 Nicola Fraschina $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
266 Dave Baechler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
267 Sandro Capaul $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
268 Romain Fleury $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
269 Carl Lapointe $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
271 Daniel Rohrbach $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
272 Ralph Tanner $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
273 Yann Voillat $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
274 Mauro Bornet $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
276 Thomas Griga $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
277 Patrice Heiz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
278 Willy Kohler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
279 Daniel Lamminger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
281 Marco Mozzini $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
282 Giovanni Pestrin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
284 Frederic Rothen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
285 EHC Chur $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
286 EHC Chur $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
287 Bengt Ericsson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
290 Thomas Liesch $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
291 Marco Capaul $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
292 Marco Gazzola $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
293 Bruno Habisreutinger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
294 Markus Knobel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
295 Thomas Locher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
296 Roger Schnoz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
297 Roland Simonet $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
298 Ivo Stoffel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
299 Rene Ackermann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
301 Harry Derungs $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
302 Marco Ferrari $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
303 Miguel Fondado $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
304 Claudio Kalser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
305 Claudio Krattli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
306 Zbysek Kurylowski $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
307 Andrei Kwartalnov $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
308 Albert Malgin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
309 Wayne Manley $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
310 Riccardo Signorell $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
311 HC Martigny $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
312 HC Martigny $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
314 Thierry Andrey $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
315 Florian Garnier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
316 Thierry Evequoz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
319 Adrian Jezzone $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
320 Jaques Mauron $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
321 Patrick Neukom $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
323 Bruno Steck $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
324 Steve Aebersold $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
325 Nicolas Baumann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
326 Alain Bernard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
327 Jean-Daniel Bonito $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
328 Olivier Ecoeur $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
330 Thomas Heldner $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
331 Thierry Moret $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
332 Stefan Nussberger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
334 Gabriel Taccoz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
335 SC Herisau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
336 SC Herisau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
337 Mike McParland $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
338 Mark McGregor $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
340 Stefan Allenspach $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
341 Urs Balzarek $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
342 Sascha Bleiker $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
343 Damian Freitag $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
344 Karl Knopf $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
345 Andy Krapf $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
346 Andreas Maag $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
349 Marco Beer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
350 Bernhard Blochliger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
352 Philipp Egli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
353 Marco Fischer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
354 Reto Germann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
355 Urs Hartmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
356 Markus Keller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
357 Trevor Meier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
358 Roger Nater $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
360 Gerd Zenhausern $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
361 SC Rapperswil-Jona $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
362 SC Rapperswil-Jona $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
364 Ueli Scheidegger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
365 Marius Boesch $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
366 Michael Habig $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
367 Armin Berchtold $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
368 Daniel Bunzli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
369 Erich Frey $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
370 Patrick Gotz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
371 Marc Haueter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
372 Christian Langer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
373 Markus Naef $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
374 Daniel Aeschbacher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
375 Ray Allison $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
376 Tom Bissett $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
377 Warren Bruetsch $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
378 Turi Camenzind $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
379 Jean-Noel Honegger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
380 Roman Kessler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
381 Hans Kossman $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
382 Marco Seeholzer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
383 Laurent Stehlin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
384 Marco Werder $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
385 EHC Bulach $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
386 EHC Bulach $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
387 Lars-Erik Lundstrom $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
388 Urs Liljequist $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
389 Ronnie Rueger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
390 Carlo Buriola $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
391 Rolf Bunter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
392 David Erny $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
393 Urs Gull $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
394 Thomas Jaggli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
395 Stefan Meier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
396 Marco Schellenberg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
397 Marcel Schonhaar $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
398 Robin Bauer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
399 Daniele Celio $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
400 Peter Ekelund $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
401 Urs Luthi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
402 Don McLaren $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
403 Kim Pedersen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
404 Matthias Pittet $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
405 Ercan Sahin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
406 Thomas Studer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
407 Markus Suter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
408 Martin Caretta $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
409 Mike Tschumi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
410 Lausanne HC $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
411 Lausanne HC $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
412 Jean Lussier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
415 Urs Burkart $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
416 Jean Gagnon $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
417 Nicolas Goumaz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
418 Fabian Guignard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
419 Benedict Sapin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
420 Raymond Wyssen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
421 Laurent Bucher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
422 Olivier Chenuz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
423 Alain Comte $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
424 Martin Desjardins $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
425 Gaby Epiney $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
426 Stephane Gasser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
427 Nicolas Gauch $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
428 Gilles Guyaz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
430 Maxime Lapointe $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
431 Laurent Pasquini $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
432 Gilles Prince $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
433 Yannick Theler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
434 HC Thurgau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
435 HC Thurgau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
437 Max Baumann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
438 Martin Studer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
439 Thomas Berger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
440 Andy Gasser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
441 Patrick Henry $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
442 Reto Muller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
443 Ralph Ott $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
444 Mike Posma $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
445 Hadrian Rosenberg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
446 Marcel Stocker $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
447 Robert Wiesmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
448 Gianni Dalla Vecchia $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
449 Dan Daoust $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
450 Matthias Keller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
451 Roger Keller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
452 Peter Kostli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
453 Bernhard Lauber $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
454 Benjamin Mueller $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
455 Silvio Schai $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
456 Rolf Schrepfer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
457 Robert Slehofer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
458 Thomas Steger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
459 Cuno Weisser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
460 Grasshoppers-Club Zurich $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
461 Grasshoppers-Club Zurich $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
462 Esa Siren $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
463 Bruno Aegerter $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
464 Marcel Kohli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
466 Giorgio Giacomelli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
467 Roman Honegger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
468 Sandro Just $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
469 Mats Lusth $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
470 Marcel Wick $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
471 Lukas Zehnder $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
472 Rolf Ziegler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
473 Jerry Zuurmond $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
474 Alain Ayer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
475 Leo Cadisch $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
476 Pascal Fah $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
477 Roman Furrer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
478 Marco Hagmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
479 Peter Hofmann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
480 Adrian Hotz $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
481 Patrick Looser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 8
482 Oliver Muffler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
483 Keith Osborne $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
484 Thierry Paterlini $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
485 Markus Schellenberg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
486 HC La Chaux-de-Fonds $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
487 HC LaChaux-de-Fonds $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
488 Ricardo Fuhrer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
489 Jean-Luc Schnegg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
490 Thierry Loup $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
491 Thierry Baume $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
492 Jean-Luc Christen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
493 Thierry Murisier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
494 Danny Ott $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
495 Guido Pfosi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
496 Rene Raess $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
497 Valeri Shirajev $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
498 Frank Vuillemin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
499 Marco Dick $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
500 Michael Ferrari $ 2.00   Buy it now! 7
501 Olivier Gazzaroli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5
502 Sandy Jeannin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
504 Guido Laczko $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
505 Boris Leimgruber $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
506 Claude Luthi $ 2.00   Buy it now! 6
507 Patrick Oppliger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
508 Jean-Luc Rod $ 2.00   Buy it now! 4
509 Gabriel Rohrbach $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
510 Yvan Zimmermann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 5

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Browse Cards By:

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Browse Sets By Season:
70-71   80-81   90-91   00-01   10-11
71-72   81-82   91-92   01-02   11-12
72-73   82-83   92-93   02-03   12-13
73-74   83-84   93-94   03-04   13-14
74-75   84-85   94-95   04-05   14-15
75-76   85-86   95-96   05-06   15-16
76-77   86-87   96-97   06-07   16-17
77-78   87-88   97-98   07-08   17-18
78-79   88-89   98-99   08-09   18-19
79-80   89-90   99-00   09-10   19-20


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